Saturday, June 15, 2013

June Blogging Challenge Catch up!

Day11: A photo of your handwriting.
This is a terrible picture, because I obviously did this on a large-scale.. but I don't want to write something out and retake a picture and then take the time to upload it, because I'm a super lazy person 99% of the time. And sue me, this picture is from the husband's deployment homecoming in 2012! I'm SO not ashamed. 6~ months gone, and I was so using that as an excuse to speed from Alabama to North Carolina! Hahahaha ;)

Day12: Your favorite color with a photo showing it.

Day13: What's in your purse /wallet /pocket?
Is the typical "everything except the kitchen sink" an acceptable answer? Hahaha. My purse right now isn't even that big, yet somehow I end up keeping so much in there. I currently have:

  • a pen
  • a pencil
  • headphones
  • wallet
  • wrist wallet with both cars /house keys /cards
  • extra keychain with mail key and parents' house key
  • Carmex
  • my iPod touch
  • Ray Bans (assuming I'm not wearing them)
  • planner
  • a compact brush and mirror
  • and some receipts /papers

Day14: Something you're looking forward to.
I'm looking forward to so much lately! I'm so excited to get started in figuring out the classes I'm going to get to take this fall, and I'm anxious to see how long it's going to be before I actually graduate with "the" degree. I'm looking forward to finding out when we'll get our orders for our PCS and the date! And then there's smaller things.. like my best friend coming to visit in a couple of months, birthdays, other various events, etc. Life is just exciting, and we like to make the best of all situations; and I look forward to more positivity in our lives also :)

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