Sunday, June 2, 2013

Day2: Your morning routine.

We'll do this on a typical school day, because it varies on the weekends haha.

  • Wake up to alarm
  • Press snooze a total of four times
  • Cuddle with Sofie
  • Check all social media from phone
  • Get up and pee
  • Take all 1774839174031 meds
  • Brush teeth
  • Put contacts in
  • Take Sofie out
  • Feed /water Sofie
  • Let Sofie go see the kitty
  • Shower
  • Get dressed
  • Make coffee and maybe breakfast
  • Put makeup on
  • Dry hair
  • Put Sofie in her crate
  • Leave
It's not much and not very interesting.. but it's my life!
If you want to see the challenge I'm doing, click here!

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