Thursday, June 6, 2013

Day4-6 June Blogging Challenge.

I got busy and slacked behind a little bit, so I'm catching up!

Day 4: Something /someone that makes you happy.
This is any easy one, and I'm sure we all know where it's about to lead.
These two, diva #1 and diva #2, make me happier than anything in life. Being home or coming home to these two brings a smile to my face like no other. Sure, they drive me nuts sometimes.. but doesn't that happen to everyone!? I honestly don't know where I'd be in my life without either of them. They're both my rock - even my dog, as silly as that might sound.

Day 5: Home.
Home will always be the beach. Always, always, always. But not any beach.. it has to be the Gulf beach/es. I miss them more than anything in the entire world, and moving away from them was by far one of the hardest decisions of my life. The Pacific beaches were pretty, but they're too cold. The Atlantic beaches are ugly, ugly, ugly.  But the Gulf beaches.. they're perfect! And boy, I can't wait for the day we get to move back!! There's nothing that compares.

Day 6: Three ways to win your heart.
This is a tough one.. haha. One way is definitely to make me laugh. I love laughing; and I love people who are genuinely funny and like to make people laugh. Another way is to like to cook! I'm in love with cooking nowadays, but I also like to step back and have people cook for me every once in a while.  And I guess the last way would be dancing! A lot of people know that I danced for 14 years, so obviously I love to dance. I love going out to bars /clubs and dancing.. I love dancing around the house.. I'll dance almost anywhere, haha. So I love when someone isn't afraid to get out on the dance floor with me! It's so much more fun when someone else is willing to let loose and just have fun, even if they aren't the best at it :)

This is really long, haha. Sorry! I decided to just catch up in one post, instead of doing three different posts. And don't forget, if you want to see the blogging challenge I'm doing.. click here!

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