Wednesday, June 26, 2013

L'Oreal Paris Color Vibrancy Shampoo /Conditioner

I got a sample of this in the mail for L'Oreal from a freebie website on facebook (sue me, I love these sites; because I love trying out samples to be able to review!). I love the colors of the bottle, because black and pink has always been a person favorite combination of mine; so I was automatically drawn to the product because of that reason. It's priced at around $4-5, depending on where you go; so that's another great attribute about it.

Then I tried it today, and I must say that I'm quite surprised. I've never been a L'Oreal believer, because it usually makes my hair a bit oily. This shampoo and conditioner made my hair SO unbelievably soft. I'm able to just run my fingers through my wet hair, whereas there are usually knots in it even after I normally use conditioner. My hair color is brighter than normal, and the color looks fantastic. This is definitely a buy! Especially since I have a coupon from L'Oreal :)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Let's talk BB Creams!

Beauty Balms (BB Creams) are a hot trend right now in the makeup world. Everyone wants one! But there are so many out there, how do you choose which one to get? I've sampled five different BB Creams - high end and drug store brands, and I'm here to give you my take on them all.

Urban Decay NAKED Skin Beauty Balm - This one was my favorite one. I got it as a sample from Ulta; and I wasn't expecting to like it, since it only comes in one color. It's priced at $34 for a full-size bottle, and $14 for a travel size bottle. Even the sample size has lasted me a while though, because you don't need to use a lot.. as with most UD products. It has a light texture, and it stays on all day with or without a face primer.

Revlon Photoready BB Cream - This is the closest to Urban Decay's that I've found so far. So naturally I love it, especially as a drugstore brand. It's priced at $10.99 for the bottle at Walgreens, and once again this bottle has lasted me a really long time. I love using it on days when I need a quick fix without using foundation or going "all out." I don't have to use a primer, but I will just to make sure it stays on throughout the night if I'm going out. It hardly needs touchups, and the color matches so well!

Maybelline Dream Fresh BB Cream - This was definitely my least favorite. It was oily, which didn't work well with my skin; and it looked orangey when I put it on. It didn't stay on long at ALL, even if I used a primer. I had to make frequent touchups during the day if I wanted my makeup to stay looking as good as when I first put it on. I definitely won't be buying it again.

Garnier BB Cream - I got this sample in the mail from Garnier themselves off of a sample website. This one is another cheaper one, priced $11.97 at Walmart. It was pretty good! I used the light /medium color for normal to dry skin. It was light on the skin, and the color matched really well. It didn't stay on quite as well as the UD or the Revlon one; however, it wasn't too terrible.

Tarte BB Cream - The last one I tested was Tarte's BB Cream, priced at $34 at Ulta. I got this one as a sample from Ulta also. I used the light color, and it was darker than some of the others. It was a little more oily than the others, so I wasn't a fan of it on my skin; and I didn't need a lot at ALL. It also came off a little easy throughout the day, even with a primer.

This project was kind of fun, I'll admit. I like testing new stuff, even if it's samples. Next time I'll be ready to review a couple of foundation primers!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Days 18-24: June Blogging Challenge

Day18: Something you're embarrassed to love.
Oh my gosh, Duck Dynasty!! Hahaha. I tried so hard not to like that show, but I hate to say that I love it! How can you hate a family that has such good values and are so funny.. even if they're redneck as hell? Ha!

Day19: A goal you're working toward.
Getting my bachelor's degree and starting a career! Have you ever been so close to something you could taste it? That's me right now! Ahhh!

Day20: A random act of kindness.
When my husband and I were in Myrtle Beach for Spring Break back in April, we found an extra parking ticket that someone had paid for and left in the machine.. and we took it and gave it to a guy, instead of using it on ourselves :)

Day21: Your favorite recipe.
I have a ton!! I'm pretty partial to my potato soup recipe that we love making during the winter.

Day22: A book you love and recommend.
I love reading any John Grisham book. His books are all so amazing, and I can never put them down. My favorite of his will probably always be "The Street Lawyer" or "The Firm." Both of them are so good, and I finished them both within days of starting them. The suspense and thrill are worth whatever time I gave up and the sleep I lost.

Day23: 3 songs that put you in a good mood.
This is a hard one, because I have so much music that I love! Okay, let's see..

  • This I Gotta See /Jason Aldean - as much as I'm not a huge fan of Jason Aldean, I really like this song for some reason. It just makes me happy to hear every time, and I always have to turn it up really loud and sing at the top of my lungs.
  • Wagon Wheel /Darius Rucker - I like the original too, but this one is just so easy to sing to!
  • Can't Hold Us /Macklemore ft. Ryan Lewis - I don't know why, but I just love this song hahaha.

Day24: Something sweet.
This is called a salted caramel butter bar.. I've had in it in my "need to make" queue from Pinterest for a while now. It looks amazing! It reminds me of a chess square, which is one of my favorite sweet things ever. I can't wait to try to make it!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Day17: 3 random things that can instantly make your day.

Good morning texts! No matter where he goes or what he's doing, my husband always tries to make time for the good morning text - which always makes my heart flutter just a bit :) it's one of those things that made being in a long distance relationship much easier, and that never stopped once the distance closed!

This should be pretty predictable, if you know me at all. I love my Sofie more than life itself! She's always so full love, and she just makes me feel better when I'm sad or upset. She's been the best thing that's come into this family by far :) not to mention she gives us a few good laughs, hahaha.

The last pick is definitely the Golden Girls!! I own all 7 seasons, and I've introduced them to my best friend, as well as my husband; and now they're a must have in my home. I don't go to sleep without them. They're my "mindless tv" must have. I watch them when I need a laugh, a smile, to get my mind off something, etc. Always my favorites!!

Day16: Something that makes you awesome.





I mean. So.. there's just so much to list. Ha!!

What is something that makes me awesome though? This is usually a question I'd ask my husband, but I'm SOL because he's not here at the moment haha. I don't know what he would say. He'd probably say how easy I am to hang out with.. there's a reason we're ultimately best friends I'm not a huge girly girl most days. I have my moments, but I'm not the prima donna that you see a lot of the time. I watch more football than most guys - let's rephrase that: I'm OBSESSED with more football than most guys. And I'm not afraid to yell at the tv and show my temper, which may or may not be a good thing, haha. But I think that makes me pretty awesome.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Day15: Your favorite photo you've taken.

It says (or top three) in it.. so I'm going to do that, because there's NO way I can choose one hahaha. And disclaimer: I am in no way, shape, form, or fashion a photographer - nor do I claim to be one! Just so everyone knows :)

This was taken at our very first USMC ball in November 2009. (Awww, widdle PFC!) I've always loved this picture, because right as I was taking the picture he grabbed my hand and squeezed it really tight; so the smile on my face is probably the most genuine thing you'll ever see on my face, haha. I just love, love, love it! No matter how old it is, I'll always enjoy seeing this picture.

This is another favorite picture taken. Yes, it's of my dog, Sofie. Go figure, right? And this was surprisingly taken on my iPhone! Crazy, I know!! She and I were just outside playing in the big puppy area one day, and I decided it would be cute to take pictures of her playing with her favorite stick; and this was THE best one. It's still by far the best action shot I've ever seen, I think haha.

And last, but certainly not least, this is another favorite. I love what happens when I just snap random pictures sometimes. It makes me so freaking happy, because I end up with gems like this. This is what happens when Sofie wants to play, but nobody plays with her hahahaha. It's amazing.

June Blogging Challenge Catch up!

Day11: A photo of your handwriting.
This is a terrible picture, because I obviously did this on a large-scale.. but I don't want to write something out and retake a picture and then take the time to upload it, because I'm a super lazy person 99% of the time. And sue me, this picture is from the husband's deployment homecoming in 2012! I'm SO not ashamed. 6~ months gone, and I was so using that as an excuse to speed from Alabama to North Carolina! Hahahaha ;)

Day12: Your favorite color with a photo showing it.

Day13: What's in your purse /wallet /pocket?
Is the typical "everything except the kitchen sink" an acceptable answer? Hahaha. My purse right now isn't even that big, yet somehow I end up keeping so much in there. I currently have:

  • a pen
  • a pencil
  • headphones
  • wallet
  • wrist wallet with both cars /house keys /cards
  • extra keychain with mail key and parents' house key
  • Carmex
  • my iPod touch
  • Ray Bans (assuming I'm not wearing them)
  • planner
  • a compact brush and mirror
  • and some receipts /papers

Day14: Something you're looking forward to.
I'm looking forward to so much lately! I'm so excited to get started in figuring out the classes I'm going to get to take this fall, and I'm anxious to see how long it's going to be before I actually graduate with "the" degree. I'm looking forward to finding out when we'll get our orders for our PCS and the date! And then there's smaller things.. like my best friend coming to visit in a couple of months, birthdays, other various events, etc. Life is just exciting, and we like to make the best of all situations; and I look forward to more positivity in our lives also :)

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Workout Playlist.

I posted this for a few people to see, but I thought I'd share it with everyone else. As most people know, I've been on a pretty hard "get fit journey" as I like to call it. It started in January, but we joined a gym right by our apartment in March (if you're in Jacksonville and are looking to join a gym, I HIGHLY recommend Onslow Fitness!). It's been the best decision ever, in my opinion!

I'm picky when it comes to my workout music though. I need something to constantly keep me motivated or keep me upbeat. I also need music that changes, and I also need music that's a little different from each other - which is definitely what you'll find in my playlist! I'm in the works of another playlist called "Workout Pt2!" So, if you have any suggestions.. feel free to leave them for me!

Day9: Favorite quote or saying.

I have two different favorite quotes, and I couldn't decide between the two! I really love both of these quotes, because they're so motivational in their own ways. One's a huge pick-me-up, and one's a huge smack in the face with a "Get your shit together!" when I need it.

One is a more recent favorite quote, which will eventually turn into a tattoo. It's got a special meaning to me about things that have happened in my life. The second quote has been my favorite quote for years and years. It was a quote that I had on a dance poster that my mom got me for my room when I was in high school, and I've loved it every since! It's another quote that definitely has a lot of meaning behind it, and it has even more meaning that it happened to be given to me by my mom - since she was the person who taught me never to be a victim in any life situation; and that in itself takes a strong person to be able to do.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Cream eyeshadow fun!

I love using my cream eyeshadows. Maybelline's Color Tattoo cream eyeshadows have become a must have in my makeup collection. I use them all the time! I think I have an entire drawer full.. whoops ;) I love how well they stay on, and they don't crease - which is a major plus when looking for a cream eyeshadow.

So I put a new look together, trying out the new "Tenacious Teal" that I bought a couple of a weeks ago.

First, I used my Urban Decay eyeshadow primer. I use it even without cream eyeshadows, but primers give them less chance of creasing.

Next, I used Maybelline's Color Tattoo "Gold Rush" on my entire lid. I usually do two coats just to make sure it's bright enough, but sometimes it doesn't even need it.

Then, I use a flat brush to apply Maybelline's Color Tattoo "Tenacious Teal" as a top liner! And for the bottom liner, I just used a white pencil liner.

Apply mascara, and you're set :) so pretty and bright!!

Days 7&8: June Blogging Challenge.

Whoops! I'm slacking again.. I'm a day behind; so let me catch up and do yesterday plus today's blogs for the blogging challenge!

Day 7: If you could have one super power..
Well, you see, I'm torn. I'm nosy. And when I say nosy, I mean beyond super nosy. If you tell me something but don't tell me the full thing, I most likely will stop at nothing until I find out the entire story. (Yay, Sagittarius!) So part of me wants to say the ability to read minds.. because, let's face it, that would be extremely useful in this world - especially since people are hardly ever straight up with you.

On the other hand, I'd love to be able to teleport - as cliche as that sounds. I love to travel, but I hate the in between of getting from one place to another. And in the military life, I have a love /hate relationship with being far from my family. There's part of my family that I only get to see once~ a year, and that makes me sad. There are friends that I'd love to constantly see, but it doesn't get to happen. It'd be much easier if I could just snap my fingers, blink my eyes, or pull an "I Dream of Jeannie" and whip my ponytail to get from here to there as fast as I could!

Day 8: Your top 3 favorite blogs to read and why.
Now, these are definitely in no order. And I love reading all of the blogs that I follow! So don't feel bad if I follow you and didn't mention you, because I can only pick three!

1. weddingringsandislandthings /Madison. I love this girl anyway. I've known her for quite a while, since before she got married to her husband, and she's just adorable!! She has fantastic DIY ideas on her blog, and she's always looking for new things to do for herself and to share with everyone else.

2. secretbeautybyan /An. An's a new beauty blogger, and she's partially the reason that I got the courage to start beauty blogging! She's also a huuuuuge impact on my whole "get fit" lifestyle, and I'm very thankful for her. She's an extremely awesome makeup stylist, and I always recommend anyone to go look at her looks that she posts! I love her use of liquid liner ALWAYS - ugh, it always looks so flawless! Jealous -__-

3. lovebuildsthishappyhome /Nicol. She's the creator of this blogging challenge, and she's a personal dear friend of mine. She's a cute little pregnant lady, who's gonna be a wonderful mommy soon :) she's even got her own Etsy shop, so obviously she's got some crafting skills.. which I also love and hope to eventually be a cool crafter like her one day, haha. But I love her blog, because it's very personal! It's got some cute DIY ideas, much like Madison's blog, but it also has a lot about just her life in general; and I'm a sucker for personal blogs sometimes.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Day4-6 June Blogging Challenge.

I got busy and slacked behind a little bit, so I'm catching up!

Day 4: Something /someone that makes you happy.
This is any easy one, and I'm sure we all know where it's about to lead.
These two, diva #1 and diva #2, make me happier than anything in life. Being home or coming home to these two brings a smile to my face like no other. Sure, they drive me nuts sometimes.. but doesn't that happen to everyone!? I honestly don't know where I'd be in my life without either of them. They're both my rock - even my dog, as silly as that might sound.

Day 5: Home.
Home will always be the beach. Always, always, always. But not any beach.. it has to be the Gulf beach/es. I miss them more than anything in the entire world, and moving away from them was by far one of the hardest decisions of my life. The Pacific beaches were pretty, but they're too cold. The Atlantic beaches are ugly, ugly, ugly.  But the Gulf beaches.. they're perfect! And boy, I can't wait for the day we get to move back!! There's nothing that compares.

Day 6: Three ways to win your heart.
This is a tough one.. haha. One way is definitely to make me laugh. I love laughing; and I love people who are genuinely funny and like to make people laugh. Another way is to like to cook! I'm in love with cooking nowadays, but I also like to step back and have people cook for me every once in a while.  And I guess the last way would be dancing! A lot of people know that I danced for 14 years, so obviously I love to dance. I love going out to bars /clubs and dancing.. I love dancing around the house.. I'll dance almost anywhere, haha. So I love when someone isn't afraid to get out on the dance floor with me! It's so much more fun when someone else is willing to let loose and just have fun, even if they aren't the best at it :)

This is really long, haha. Sorry! I decided to just catch up in one post, instead of doing three different posts. And don't forget, if you want to see the blogging challenge I'm doing.. click here!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Day3: What you wore in detail.

Considering my life is boring lately, and all I did today was clean.. I'm sorry to say this is going to be one short and boring post, haha.

  • Gray patterned running shorts from Old Navy
  • Pink and white zebra print undies
  • Turquoise sports bra
  • A gray Nike running tshirt
  • A bright yellow ponytail holder
  • My Rainbow flip flops when I took Sofie out
  • My hot pink and white Columbia jacket for when I took Sofie out in the rain
And yep.. that's about it, haha. Exciting, huh?!
To see the blogging challenge I'm doing, click here!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Day2: Your morning routine.

We'll do this on a typical school day, because it varies on the weekends haha.

  • Wake up to alarm
  • Press snooze a total of four times
  • Cuddle with Sofie
  • Check all social media from phone
  • Get up and pee
  • Take all 1774839174031 meds
  • Brush teeth
  • Put contacts in
  • Take Sofie out
  • Feed /water Sofie
  • Let Sofie go see the kitty
  • Shower
  • Get dressed
  • Make coffee and maybe breakfast
  • Put makeup on
  • Dry hair
  • Put Sofie in her crate
  • Leave
It's not much and not very interesting.. but it's my life!
If you want to see the challenge I'm doing, click here!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Day1: Something beautiful to you.

It's only day one, and this is already a tough one! There's so much that's beautiful in my life. The sky is beautiful. New contacts are beautiful (if you don't know what it's like to put in a new pair of contacts, you just won't understand). I'm beautiful. Life is beautiful. The ocean is beautiful. My purse collection is beautiful - ha!

I guess I'll be a little on the predictable side though. My family is probably be most beautiful thing in my life. I've been so fortunate to start my own family this past year with my best friend in the entire world whom I love more than life itself. After 8+ years, we got to start our lives together; and then we added another member to our fur-baby family (besides the old and grumpy asshole kitteh), Sofie. She's quite possibly been the biggest blessing of our lives. There's been nothing but love and support in this household, which is what it should always be, but not necessarily what I've always been used to until the past few years. It just amazes me how much happiness can come from being married and just being with your other half.. and then throwing a dog who seems to loves you more than you could ever love her makes it all just even better.

But I'm still apart of my original family too; and that's beautiful in itself. Growing up and becoming more of an adult has brought us all closer together, in my opinion, than ever before. It's nice to be able to call my parents, my brother, my aunt, and whoever else in my family my friends rather than just my family. I'm lucky enough that I've got my own family here in North Carolina, and though it may be small at the moment.. it's perfect. But then I've got my other family. The original family. The family I didn't get a choice in, but I find the beauty in every single day no matter what happens or who makes who mad.

That's beautiful, if you ask me.

If you want to find the blogging challenge, just click here!

Blogging in June

I'm going to try to remember to do this every single day this month! I stole it from a good friend, who actually made this, so you'll have to check her blog out as well :) I think it's a fantastic idea though! Blogging every day about different things for an entire month? Who doesn't want to stick around and hear me ramble on about life and stuff and things? Ha!